Teen Dating Violence

Kamila Ledesma


On February 8 Wilson Bruins united in supporting teen dating violence awareness by wearing Orange. Bandanas had been handed out at lunch, and a rally was performed by the Bruinettes and Cheer team. Wilson’s students mostly consist of teens that are just trying to explore their new found independence. One of the things that can come with that independence is dating, so it is important we bring awareness to any signs of violence in these relationships during the month of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

Youth.gov expresses that 1 in 10 teens experience violence in their relationships. Girls tend to be the main victim of the violence such as rape or abuse and can face long -term effects such as using drugs and suicidal thoughts. The experience of abuse can begin from a young age as it can be reflected in parents to siblings so they bring it with them as they grow older into their future relationships. It is important for not only teens to know the red flags of a relationship, but also friends and family that observe these teens. 

Shayla Delgado, senior, tells me that a red flag would be, “…if they are controlling.” When being in a relationship it is key to know that your significant other is your equal partner and shouldn’t have control over certain aspects of your life as you are each your own person. 

Quincy Mort, senior, gives advice about teens that are dating by saying, “…to just make sure you are ready, and know what you want before anything really happens.” Often being swept up in love doesn’t allow someone to make conscious decisions so they rush into something without thinking about the consequences, but it is important to recognize how something as impactful as a relationship can change your pathway in life. 

Some signs that can be recognized in a relationship would be an explosive temper, threatening or physically harming someone, and immoderate jealousy. Matteos, junior, advises, “to make sure you listen to the people around you because love can blind you, so you never really get the full picture unless you ask someone with an outside perspective.” Dating can allow you to see a person completely different from another person, and being able to receive insight on how they see your relationship can help provide clarity. 


All throughout February and the whole year you can read and share resources with parents and friends that could even help save someone’s life from an abusive partner. Cole Wannemacher, senior, says, “Bringing awareness to teen dating violence eliminates a majority of the bad relationships, and instigates a positive community for everyone; it will allow everyone to have a better perspective on dating at a young age.”