Carmen Alcala

Gaia Clark

Carmen Alcala

Gaia Clark, Staff Writer

Carmen Alcala is a senior running for ASB president that has been involved in ASB for all four years on campus. Alcala believes that she can bring even more positivity and energy to the Activities department. She also strives to bring a feeling of inclusivity onto the Wilson campus for everyone.  She thinks people should vote for her because, “I care about more than one community.”  She expresses that she has supported a range of clubs on campus, like Khmer and Young Black Scholars, in order to show support as well as to see if she can help or assist them in any needed events.  She is interested in doing a cultural fair on campus to help students become more aware and tolerant of other cultures and communities.  Alcala hopes to bring back energy into the second semester in order to end the year off with a great feeling.