The Final Football Game
November 18, 2022
LONG BEACH, CA- Being the final game at Wilson High School for the school year and having a sliver of hope to make it into the playoffs, the Bruins’ varsity football team played their hearts out. With it being senior night for the graduating players, watching the upperclassmen say goodbye to their tight-knit football team and walk with their supportive family was a touching moment.
Senior Isaiah Cazares left an impact on the team, and the team left a physical effect on him. Even though he got injured, had a rough record, and had the odds against them, he was happy to see everyone enjoying themselves.
Bruins won with a score of 46-6, tying the night with a bowtie for the team. This was not a formidable opponent for the mighty bruins, as they had a comfortable lead from the start.
According to, on paper, this was a win for the Bruins, Saddleback’s record was 2-8 and the Bruins had a 4-6 record this season. Having this record, many of the Wilson players felt confident going into the game.
11th grader Andrew Bond in the WAVE pathway said that playing with the seniors and winning was his highlight of the night. “There was a lot to work on as a team, and we kept on building on from this year”, was also stated by him. With only 13 seniors on the team, the Bruins have a lot of young players that can still give us a better chance next year. Hopefully, this team of young players will stay together to have better chemistry and execute on the field. Andrew had a sliver of hope after winning this game for the playoff.
Junior Ian Bond, captain and quarterback in the WAVE pathway, was satisfied with the score of that night, but you should never go into the game expecting a big outcome, and you always want to go into the game confident, not cocky. This was a game where the Bruins didn’t have an excessive game plan, they just needed to play their game and trust each other. There were a lot of mistakes the Bruins had during the game, like when Ian Bond fumbled the ball but recovered quickly. “With a win like this you don’t need to worry about it much, but it would be a problem with a better team.”