Jayden Phan Senior Reflection

Jayden Phan, 12.

Jayden Phan, Staff Writer

Being a senior during this time period has been a crazy experience. I would not say it has been the worst experience but there have definitely been more downs than ups. One thing that really affected me was losing my father back in March. My father was someone I looked up to since I was little and he was always there for me no matter what was going on in his own life. The day my mother called me and told me the news, my heart sank to my stomach, I did not know what to do or how to feel. Having virtual learning already took a toll on me mentally, and when I got the phone call, I completely shut down. I wasn’t joining Zoom for school, I didn’t want to talk to anyone, I didn’t want to eat, I didn’t even want to leave my own bed. After some time of being very depressed and mentally ill, I thought to myself,  “What would my dad tell me if he was here right now by my side?” Every day since then I have lived by that quote, and it has been great getting back to my everyday life; knowing that he is watching over me making sure I am succeeding at all times. Despite having to be on Zoom for most of my senior year, it was a good thing that I was capable of learning, even during a worldwide pandemic.”