BioMed CPR Training

Mathew Martinez and Wilson kids getting ready to use a CPR mannequin.
November 18, 2022
LONG BEACH, CA- Wilson High School has hosted a free CPR training event for BioMed students in the media center on every Wednesday and Friday in November, with the exception of November 11.
“Students that are in here are learning ahead of others,” stated Matthew Martinez, a graduate student at UCLA.
At the event, students watched a few videos to help them understand how to give CPR to both an adult or child. They first practiced on the adult mannequins, which had colored lights to let them know they did it correctly. Then, the baby mannequins, and how they needed to be careful while one is choking.
The students were then introduced to an AED, or Automated External Defibrillator, which is used to help those experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. It’s a sophisticated, easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock. It has a step-by-step automated voice to prevent panic while helping an individual. AEDs are located around the Wilson campus, the big gym, the library, and the nurse’s office.
“I would definitely use these skills for the future,” said Synaia Bolen Rock, a Junior here at Wilson.
Overall, students did a 25-question test after watching videos and practicing on the mannequins. Most of them did great, ending with a 23/25 average.
“They did really well,” said Mathew, the host of this event. He hopes to come back in the future to help BioMed students so these Bruins can be ready in case of an emergency.